European Forum Alpbach


The European Forum Alpbach (EFA) is an interdisciplinary platform for science, politics, business and culture. Established in 1945, the annual European Forum Alpbach and our events throughout the year address the relevant socio-political questions of our time. It connects international decision-makers from all sectors of society with an interested audience and committed young people. Its goal is to create a dialogue across the generational, ideological and other lines that divide us. The European Forum Alpbach promotes the creation of a democratic society that is ready for the future. Its events provide momentum for the development of European integration.


Connecting pan-european Stakeholders and the responsible EU-Commissioner in developing and establishing a going forward strategy for the alpine region covering both fossile and renewable energy. Hosting a pan-regional conference with international participation in Munich on February, 7th, 2014. „Energieforum Alpenraum: Zukunftspotenziale gemeinsam nutzen“


Governmental embedding, Regulatory affairs, Political advisory. Connecting and aligning the relevant pan-european decision makers. Establishing the foundation for a pan-european energy strategy.